Trey Godbolt

PEARC19: Five-day Fast-track on HPC

By Trey Godbolt, Junior at the University of Iowa, Business Analytics program

Day 1:

The first day of the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC19) conference in Chicago, Illinois began with the car ride from Iowa City. I rode with Elizabeth Leake (STEM-Trek), and we picked up another student, Badisa Mosesane (University of Botswana), at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Badisa was completing a three-month cyberinfrastructure internship at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. After picking up Badisa, we all traveled to Oak Park, Illinois and the AirBnB we would stay at for the remainder of the trip. After dropping off our luggage, we went to the Hyatt Regency in Chicago for the Student Program Opening; a brief orientation to the conference.

Day 2:

This was my first full day at PEARC19. I was scheduled to work as a student volunteer for the session titled, …

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CERN’s Maria Girone: “We explain the magic!”

Originally featured in TOP500 on June 26, 2018

The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC18) kicked off on Monday, June 25 in Frankfurt, Germany, with Maria Girone, Chief Technology Offier of CERN openlab delivering the opening keynote address. She explained how CERN’s needs will drive exascale computation and data science innovation in the future.

Founded in 1954, CERN straddles the Franco-Swiss border, and has an annual operating budget of one billion Swiss francs. With 22 member-states, its resources support 15,000 scientists around the world, and employs 2,500 at Swiss and French sites. CERN is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

In addition to probing the fundamental structure of our universe, understanding the very first moments of our universe after the big bang, and searching for dark matter, CERN technicians and scientists are always developing new technologies for accelerators and detectors. Its instrumentation …

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ISC High Performance Reflections of a Newbie

Dear Elizabeth,

First of all, thank you so much for finding a donor for my flight from Gaborone to Johannesburg. Please extend my gratitude to the wonderful people at South Africa’s Airlink Airlines!

Many thanks to ISC Marketing & Communications Manager Nages Sieslack, ISC Student Program Coordinator Colleen Sheedy and the ISC High Performance conference for the travel grant award! I appreciate STEM-Trek’s help covering up-front costs until ISC could make a reimbursement from my grant, and for the pocket euros. If not for everyone’s unwavering and collaborative support, it would have been difficult for me to attend the conference. People like you are rare, and worthy of being celebrated. You are my heroes!

My favorite part of the conference was the “Deep Learning Demystified” tutorial by NVIDIA and Leibniz Supercomputing Center. I was excited to experiment with Deep Learning models to do Object Detection on ocean shots, generate heat …

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International School of Crystallography, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture

In this blog, Marcus Bond, an XSEDE Campus Champion and professor of inorganic chemistry and x-ray crystallography at Southeast Missouri State University, shares his experience at the International School of Crystallography at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture in the mountaintop village of Erice, Sicily, June 1-10.

This crystallography school has been held annually since 1974. Program themes change each year, and there is usually a single topic. However, this year two distinctly different themes were presented simultaneously: Electron Crystallography and Quantum Crystallography. While attendees of both met jointly for a few lectures, each held separate sessons and workshops. Everybody came together informally for meals, social events, excursions …

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European HPC Summit Week and PRACEdays 2018: Slaying Dragons and SHAPEing Futures One SME at a Time

Featured in HPCwire on June 20, 2018

The University of Ljubljana in Slovenia hosted the third annual EHPCSW18 and fifth annual PRACEdays18 events which opened May 29, 2018. The conference was chaired by PRACE Council Vice-Chair Sergi Girona (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), and officially opened by PRACE Managing Director and Chair of the EHPCSW & PRACEdays OPC Serge Bogaerts. An official welcome was provided by PRACE Council Chair Anwar Osseyran (Dutch National HPC Center, SURFsara); and University of Ljubljana Minister of Education, Science and Sport Maja Makovec Brenčič.

With 343 registered attendees from Europe, Australia, Asia and the United States who represented a wide range of disciplines, EHPCSW18, with many co-located meetings, was a monumental feat of execution. Much of the credit goes to local organizers, contracted consultancies and volunteers who serve on planning committees. I was especially grateful for the opportunity to work closely with the communication team …

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HPC Knowledge Meeting’18 in Barcelona June 21-22: Register by June 20!

I’m looking forward to the HPC Knowledge meeting in Barcelona, only two weeks from today. There are a still a few registration fee waivers available, so please register before the June 20 deadline!

HPCKM has a great agenda planned!

In addition to 16 amazing talks, they’re planning a tapas dinner, and a “beer and food pairing,” (forget the diet). Additionally, the entire group will have the privilege of visiting the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, home of MareNostrum 4, Spain’s fastest supercomputer at 11.1 Petaflops. It’s one of thirteen in the Spanish Supercomputing Network and one of seven capacity systems in the European cyberinfrastructure known as PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). Barcelona has the most beautiful data center in the world, hands down!

I’m especially eager to hear HPCNow! Chief Technology Officer Jordi Blasco Pallares’ talk titled,

“Dynamic Provisioning with sNow! Cluster Manager.” 

sNow! …

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Young Researcher from Nepal and Student from Botswana Receive ISC Travel Grant

By Nages Sieslack, ISC Marketing Communications Manager

FRANKFURT, Germany, June 07, 2018 –  ISC High Performance is very pleased to announce that Raksha Roy, a researcher from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal, and Badisa Mosesane an undergraduate student at the University of Botswana, have been selected as the ISC Travel Grant recipients this year. They have been chosen out of 16 regional and international applications.

The ISC High Performance Travel Grant Program (ISC Travel Grant), was introduced this year to enable university students and young researchers who are interested in acquiring high performance computing knowledge and skills, but lack the necessary resources to obtain them, to be a part of the ISC High Performance conference.

Both Ms. Roy, 28, and Mr. Mosesane, 26, will each be awarded a grant of 1500 euros. ISC High Performance will also provide …

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